High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3
High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3

High-end Leather All-inclusive Cover with Card Package, S-Pen Holder and Stand For Samsung Z Fold3

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Color-Carbon Fiber Pattern
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Fast Refund,100% Money Back Guarantee
Factory direct sales, affordable price and high quality
Secure Payments,Standard PCI DSS

Feeling, Appearance, Function, Protection, it has everything you want!

About Product

  • Compatible: Exclusively designed for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3. Only a case included. Don't include S-Pen.

  • Multiple Functions To Meet Your Needs: All-inclusive leather clamshell suit with integrated pen holder, card Package and bracket function, Whether it’s work, entertainment or travel, it’s perfect for you

  • All-inclusive Protection: The soft leather effectively wraps the hinge without worrying about damage, Both the lens and the body are properly protruding to give you the best hand feeling while protecting the phone!

  • Material: Made of Leather material. Slim and Lightweight design, Magnetic flip cover, makes your phone look more unique and attractive.

  • Accurate Precision: Accurate precision can perfectly fit the position of buttons that is for easy access to all ports and buttons, provides best touch feeling.

  • Don't need to take off the case when wireless charging, perfect for daily use.
  • Super toughness: effectively reducing impact force, truly shook-proof and anti-scratch, anti-collision and compression-proof, full protection of your phone.
  • Double Protection: Flip design keeps application and removal effortless. Lightweight ensures that your smartphone still fits comfortably in your pocket or bag.


  • Material: PC+Leather
  • Weight: 49g


  • Free shipping over $30.
  • The order will be processed within 7 working days after the order is placed, and the order will be shipped the next day after processing. Orders are usually delivered within 7 to 14 business days.
  • Return: Quick refund for any dissatisfaction within 15 days, 100% money-back guarantee.


  • Manual measurement, the size is slightly wrong.
  • The colors may be slightly different due to different screen displays.


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