LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light
LED Motion Sensing closet Light

LED Motion Sensing closet Light

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Style-6LED Battery
Please select a style
Color-Warm light
Please select a color
Transportation guarantee service
Fast Refund,100% Money Back Guarantee
Factory direct sales, affordable price and high quality
Secure Payments,Standard PCI DSS
  • Do you hate fumbling at night to find something? Our lights are the solution. They are just so handy for the purpose of placing them anywhere. This isn't a hardwired light, saving you the high cost of installing wiring around the house.

Main Features

  • [Motion Sensor] They are only activated via motion within 15ft when the area is sufficiently dark causing no loss of battery life in the daylight. It will automatically turn off 12-18s after you walk away.

  • [10LEDs/20LEDs] This wardrobe light is far brighter than other similar lights, it provides enough light to make sure you never stumble in the dark. And you have 10LEDs and 20LEDs options.

  • [Power Source] There are two types of power source, USB charging and battery-powered, very convenient for durable use, it can be used for a long time.

  • [Wide Application] So many places and possibilities like the backdoor entry, front hall closet, basement storage rooms, camping trailer, refrigerator, under the kitchen cabinets and dark bottom cabinets, bathroom towel closet, linen closet, your pantry. Illuminate the dark passage of a hallway or the front porch to light the doorway, your garage, garden shed, and brighten up those dark scary corners. Pretty much anywhere you need extra light.

  • [Easy to Install] Simple installation of an adhesive strip that attaches to the lamp body. You can have them mounted and working around your house within 5 minutes. No tools required!

  • [High Quality] Our quality motion sensor light strips are made of aviation aluminum, not cheap plastic fixtures making them extremely durable and stylish.


    • White
    • Aviation aluminum
    Package Contents
    • USB charging type: induction light x 1 + USB x 1 + manual x 1
    • Battery-powered type: induction light x 1 + USB x 1
    LED Quantity 10LEDs, 20LEDs
    Light Type Warm light, white light
    Power Source USB charging, battery-powered (4xAAA batteries, not included)


    • Due to the different display and lighting effects, the actual color of the item may be slightly different from the color displayed on the picture.
    • Due to manual measurements, please allow slight measurement deviations.